the command.) command (ie: Hold down OPTION, select the Utilities menu, then select function by holding down the OPTION key while selecting the MacInTax has been built, you can bypass the dialog and go directly to the export Since it takes a while to build the Export dialog, once your link file forgot to make the export!" made an export, so that you don't transfer out and then go "Argh! I and run MacInTax to do your taxes. It does not highlight until you have The MacInTax button of this dialog will allow you to exit CheckWriter this reason, you should always DELETE entries after backing them up. check in two different files, the amount will be added in twice. For entries will NOT be trapped out. In other words, if you have the same WARNING! If you use the multiple files option of the export, duplicate brought in from backed up files, or multiple accounts. data come from multiple files. This is useful if the data is going to be certain year (probably a good idea), and you can also request that the CheckWriter to limit the transactions to those which took place during a When you are ready to export, click the EXPORT button. You can tell link, click on the MacInTax category and click the UNLINK button. click on a CheckWriter category, and click the LINK button. To break a To link two categories together, you click on a MacInTax category, expecting. please refrain from opening anything other than the template file it is Although CheckWriter will gladly open any Excel text file you like, an Excelâ„¢ template which should have come on your MacInTax program disk. layout file, which is titled something like "89 STD Template". This is To get the MacInTax category list, CheckWriter needs access to the the "Export" button will change the CheckWriter data to MacInTax data. link together. Once this link file has been created, a simple click of MacInTax categories, and the CheckWriter budget categories which you To export to MacInTax, you must create a "Link File", which will list finding another use for this command. the MacInTax linker as a custom export method" below for information on this feature will probably be of no use to you. Read the entry "Using in the United States. If you are using CheckWriter in another country, MacInTax is a tax preparation program available from SoftView for use